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Grower's IPM Guide for Florida Tomato and Pepper Production

Grower's IPM GuideThe IPM Florida office has assembled an IPM decision making resource for Florida’s pepper and tomato industry.

We have compiled information into an interdisciplinary, comprehensive resource that will direct the user through the process of IPM planning. This guide presents the use of IPM tactics as means to reduce the risk of epidemics, conserve chemistries against resistance and reduce overall production costs.

If you have any questions about material in this guide please feel free to contact individual authors (contact information is listed on individual pages) or Rafael Vega via email  or phone (352)273-3967

Grower's IPM Guide for Florida Tomato and Pepper Production Screensaver 436

Tomato and Pepper Insects is an identification deck designed to help you distinguish between the helpful and harmful insects you might see on your tomato and pepper plants. Available at the UF/IFAS Bookstore.

How to Make an IPM Guide using Adobe PageMaker Templates provides templates and suggestions on making your own IPM guide.

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