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Spanish Version: Exotic and Invasive Insect Pests of Ornamental and Landscape Plants in South Florida

Project description and objectives:

The 2005 IPM Grant learning module received the south regional NACAA (National Association of County Agricultural Agents) and the state FACAA (Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents) awards. The learning module was developed to educate homeowners and commercial nurseries and landscapers in identifying and managing exotic and invasive insect pests on ornamental plants in south Florida. Twenty-one fact sheets were developed that included information on current infestation range, pest description/biology, host plants damage, management, and other sources for additional information.  The 2007-2008 IPM Grant monies were used to have the original 21 IPM fact sheets translated into Spanish to inform the south Florida Hispanic community (homeowners, commercial nurseries and landscapers). In addition, 19 new IPM fact sheets were developed about the latest exotic insect pests of South Florida and translated into Spanish.

The objectives were 1) to translate into Spanish the 40 IPM fact sheets of the most economically-damaging, invasive insect pests of south Florida for use by Extension Faculty (county and state), Master Gardeners, homeowners, nursery growers and field scouts, and landscape maintenance personnel; 2) to develop 19 new economically damaging pest IPM fact sheets; and 3) to develop a CD with the total 40 IPM facts (in English and Spanish).

Project Accomplishments:

Ten of the new IPM fact sheets that have been developed and translated into Spanish are listed below. Click on each name to view the fact sheet.

  1. Afidos de la Palma (Palm Aphids - Cerataphis spp.) - 491KB pdf
  2. Cochinella Rosada del Hibisco (Pink Hibiscus Mealy Bug - Maconellicoccus
    - 430KB pdf
  3. El Picudo de Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka Weevil - Myllocerus undatus) - 443KB pdf
  4. Escama Lobulada de la Laca (Lobate Lac Scale - Paratachardina lobata) - 388KB pdf
  5. Gallegos/Gallinas Ciegas/Jobotos/Gusanos Aradores (May or June Beetles - Phyllophaga spp.) - 249KB pdf
  6. Los Trips (Piojitos) del Tabebuia (Tabebuia Thrips - Holopothrips tabebuia- 667KB pdf
  7. Milpies de bandas amarillas (Yellow-banded Millipede - Anadenobolus monilicornis) - 473KB pdf
  8. Mosquita de la Flor del Hibisco (Hibiscus Bud Midge - Contarinia maculipennis) - 276KB pdf
  9. Oruga de la Adelfa (Oleander Caterpillar - Syntomeida epilais) - 506KB pdf
  10. Trips (Piojitos) del Ficus Benjamina (Weeping Fig Thrips - Gynaikothrips uzeli) - 383KB pdf


Project leader:

  • Kim Gabel, Environmental Horticulture Agent, Monroe County Extension
  • Adrian Hunsberger, Urban Horticulture Agent, Miami-Dade Extension
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