Protecting Florida's Schools and Homes from Africanized Honey Bees
Project description and objectives:
Schools and homeowners were among the top five audiences identified by the AFBEE (African honey bee Extension and Education) Program as having the greatest immediate need for Africanized honey bee (AHB)-related information. This grant-funded project allowed members of the AFBEE Program to facilitate the development and delivery of AHB information to these two crucial groups. The material produced as a result of this funding serves as a comprehensive guide to bee-proofing property, addressing an established nest, and safely responding to an AHB attack.
Project activities:
Using the “train-the-trainer” model, research, extension, and state regulatory personnel helped to create materials and provide training for county agents who in turn were equipped to educate and train home owners and school personnel how to bee-proof their property, inspect their property for bee activity, remove problem colonies, and respond in the event of an AHB attack. The following materials have been distributed to county agents and are available online at
- How to Bee-Proof My Home, 22 Minute video which outlines the current state of African honey bees in Florida, provides general honey bee information and
precautions, and offers suggestions on how to bee-proof property.
- African Honey Bee Information for School Administrators, EDIS document
- Bee-Proofing for Florida Citizens, EDIS document
- Frequently Asked Questions about the Africanized Honey Bee in Florida, EDIS document
- What to do about African Honey Bees: A Consumer Guide, EDIS document
- Living with African Bees, PowerPoint Presentation (and accompanying script)
- Bee-Proofing for Florida Residents, PowerPoint Presentation
- Florida Dept of Agriculture AHB Fact sheet—discusses bee-proofing, creating a safe environment, and avoiding an AHB attack
- Differences Between African and European honey bees, fact sheet
- AHB Fact Sheet—provides general AHB information
- Bee veil (distributed to county agents but is not available online)
Project accomplishments:
If implemented properly, the material provided will result in fewer unwanted AHB colonies nesting in structures around schools and homes thereby decrease the number of AHB-related attacks occurring in these situations; also, cost of nest removal will be avoided as a result of fewer established nests. Fewer such nests will occur because of school personnel/home owner efforts to exclude entry points to would-be AHB nesting sites (bee-proofing). Additionally, the target audiences have also been trained to inspect property regularly so that if a problem AHB colony does appear, the appropriate response will be taken. These efforts carry with them the potential to save lives.
Click here to view our 2007-2008 IPM Florida Mini-Grant Project.
Project leaders:
- Dr. Jaime Ellis, Associate Professor, Entomology and Nematology Department, University of Florida
- Mike O'Malley, Program Coordinator, Africanized Honey Bee
Extension and Education Program, University of Florida