IPM Scout Training Class/Diagnostic Clinic Equipment
Project description and objectives:
The UF/IFAS Extension Commercial Plant Clinic at the Mid-Florida Research and Education Center serves as a first responder diagnostic clinic. Growers from the central Florida area bring in disease and insect problems for free diagnosis. A digital camera was purchased to go with a dissecting scope that allows Dr. Popenoe to capture images and video on the computer and projector. She was also able to purchase a small digital camera for the field and a resource book on woody plant pests and diseases. The dissecting scope will be used to diagnose problems and send digital photos or video to the UF Gainesville lab for further investigation or confirmation. In addition, the extension agents who run the clinic also teach an annual Nursery Scout Training Program designed to provide hands-on training in nursery IPM scouting techniques. The training is designed for nursery operators, pest managers and those interested in developing a career in scouting.
Project activites and accomplishments:
The dissecting scope and camera are currently installed in our plant clinic where growers bring plants for free diagnosis. They are used weekly during clinic hours to show growers close-ups of the signs and symptoms of plant pests to allow diagnoses and capture the images for a plant clinic library. They will also be used for our annual IPM Nursery Scout Training class over a projector to allow all the students to see what specialists look for in diagnoses, and both digital cameras will be used to capture images for key plant key pest web pages. We teach 20-25 students per year at the annual IPM Nursery Scout Training class and do about 500 diagnoses in the plant clinic last year.
Project leaders:
- Dr. Juanita Popenoe, Extension Faculty-Commercial Woody Ornamental Production, Lake County
- Vera Gasparini, Extension Faculty-Commercial Green House Production, Orange County