Pesticide Education for Non-Commercial and Commercial Applicators
Project description and objectives:
We developed an EDIS publication on insecticide and miticide resistance management in urban landscapes, and developed educational materials for use in training commercial pesticide applicators, Master Gardeners, and homeowners about safe pesticide use and resistance management. We are in the process of developing an extension (EDIS) publication on insecticides registered for non-commercial applicators for use in residential landscapes and around homes.
Project activities and accomplishments:
One CD with all of the educational materials that have been developed will be sent to each of the 67 counties, especially to the horticulture agents. An in-service training will be held at the Extension Symposium in 2008. County faculty will be surveyed after the in-service training about the usefulness of the information presented, and counties who use the training materials will be asked to survey training attendees about the knowledge gained and which strategies/tools that will be implemented in their pest management programs.
View the EDIS publication on insecticide and miticide resistance.
If you are interested in pesticide training please contact Jennifer Gillett-Kaufman.
Project leader:
- Dr. Eileen Buss, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville