Nursery IPM Scouting Workshop
Project description and objectives:
The program was an intense three day program geared
to provide hands-on training in nursery IPM scouting techniques.
The agenda consisted of presentations covering Scouting Resources,
Scouting for Insects, Beneficial Insects, Scouting for Abiotics,
IPM and Benefits of Scouting, Mechanics of Scouting, Record Keeping,
Using Diagnostic labs, Scouting Strategies, Scouting for Diseases,
Scouting for Nematodes, Water Quality, Weed ID and Control, Monitoring
pH and EC. There were two afternoons where we visited nurseries,
both woody and foliage, so that the participants could practice the
techniques that they learn during the lectures. Project activities and accomplishments:
Project activities and accomplishments:
The training was designed for nursery operators, pest managers and those interested in developing a career in scouting. The diversity of the participants included nursery owners, growers, and managers. Each individual was given many items of resource materials and equipment, in hopes that they would return to their businesses with all material needed to set up an effective and efficient scouting program for their particular nursery.
Project leaders:
- Vera Gasparini, Extension Faculty-Commercial Green House Production, Orange County
- Dr. Juanita Popenoe, Extension Faculty-Commercial Woody Ornamental Production, Lake County
- Dr. J. Chen, Associate Professor, Plant Physiology, MREC Apoka
- Dr. Dave Norman, Associate Professor, Plant Pathology, MREC Apoka
- Dr. Lance Osborne, Professor, Entomology, MREC Apoka
- Dr. Bob Stamps, Professor, Cut Foliage, MREC Apoka