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Regional Invasive Exotic Weed Management Training for State and County Employees and Contractors


What is it and what did we do?

Invasive exotic weeds can grow along public roads and roadways, railroads, in electric transformer stations and around utility lines. Our objectives were to provide training on how to limit and prevent the spread of invasive exotics on right of way as well as public and private property.

We conducted Right of Way Pest Control training for Rights of Way managers, State DOT, DOT Contractor, County Road and Bridge, and Utility ROW managers.  We offered CORE Pesticide training early in the year and the ROW training later.


What was the outcome?

State DOT and DOT contractors were able to take the Right of Way Pest Control exam to be able to competently use herbicides in right of way management.  These participants were also made aware of the most common invasive plants in the Northwest district so that further spread may be reduced.  County Road and Bridge personnel have requested some hands-on training for invasive weed management techniques. We have begun meeting with county road and bridge departments to address their needs.  To date we have met with Liberty County and Jackson County personnel and have scheduled a meeting with Washington and Holmes Counties. Follow-up visits will be used to address specific problems and offer additional training. So far, 45 Participants (DOT and Contractors) have taken the Right of Way Pest Control Exam. We are continuing to monitor known invasive weed populations to see whether control strategies are being used. We are conducting follow-up visits to address specific problems and offer additional training.


The people that made this happen include:


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